Forty years ago this week, I started working at M&B Hangers. My father owned the business. I really never planned to come back and work in the family business after college. And my father didn’t pressure me. In fact, he encouraged me to pursue my passion to become a veterinarian. But God had another plan, I guess.

Early on in college, I found that biology, chemistry, and I just didn’t fit. I was destined for something else. I majored in business, and immediately upon graduating, I started working at M&B. I find it special that I get to celebrate my anniversary here at M&B (now my 40th) at the same time of year as Father’s Day.

Working with my father was truly one of the most significant aspects of my life. Among the many highlights were the frequent lunches we shared together in his office. Of course, we talked about business: the challenges, the manufacturing, the sales, and the people, but many times it was just talking about life that was so special to me. You can easily take for granted treasures such as this.  As much of a joy as it was for me, I now know as a father and grandfather myself, it was probably even much more special to him.  What better way to brighten your workday than to have lunch almost every noonday with your son. I know that now for sure.

My father was Milton II, and I am Milton III. Now, my son, Milton IV, has been working and having lunch with me at M&B since 2007. Of course, we don’t eat lunch together every day, but we do get to work together every day. The joy is like the joy my father and I had. Now my son and I are building something together every day. What a blessed gift for a father.

Recently, there came into the world a Milton V. As a grandfather, I can’t help but wonder if I will one day get to sit at my desk and have lunch with him. Indeed, that would be a dream come true.

What I would give today to just sit down again with my father and have lunch and just talk. I guess until that day comes when I will eternally be able to do that, I will just have to settle for sharing my lunch with Milton IV and Milton V. Oh, pitiful, pitiful me.


Happy Father’s Day


Milton Magnus III